• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
merge with missing files

  1. … 1461 more files in changeset.
merge from oacs-5-10

    • -61
    • +297
  1. … 8096 more files in changeset.
Fix parameter name in doc

Allow dt_get_info to return its results as a dict or a simple value, without settings a ton of variable in the caller scope that are difficult to track

Deprecate leftover api

Deprecate all remaining dt_widget_* api

The rationale is that modern HTML5 provides already consistent and localized UI elements for date and time input. It is also difficult to style a widget that comes pre-baked by the api. One should either use acs-templating or xowiki feature to generate UIs, or modern HTML5 is in most cases sufficient.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Deprecate dt_widget_calendar_year

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Deprecate dt_widget_calendar_navigation

Test dt_no_time_p

dt_ansi_to_list already trims the zeros, no need to create an ns_set, not need to upvar everything twice just to have the variables in our scope

Test dt_get_info, fix documentation according to long standing behavior

Rework api to avoid extra checks

Reimplement conversion to and from Julian dates using modern Tcl api

Improve ns_set idiom

Add minimal test case for 'dt_midnight_p'

make "dt_get_info" public since it is used from other packages

Use naviserver api to parse URL variables

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Reinstate apis as public, as they hold the current definition of an all-day event

make listing of tested procs more complete

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
Trim month numbers on 'dt_prev_month_name' and 'dt_next_month_name' to avoid octal misinterpretation. Fixes 'dt_localized_procs' testcase

Fix discrepancies between proc doc and implementation

Add 'dt_localized_procs' testcase, for 'acs-datetime' procs that return localized results: 'dt_month_names', 'dt_month_abbrev', 'dt_ansi_to_pretty', 'dt_prev_month_name' and 'dt_next_month_name'

Add testcase for 'dt_first_day_of_month'

Add testcase for 'dt_interval_check'

Trim month numbers on 'dt_prev_month' and 'dt_next_month' to avoid octal misinterpretation. Fixes 'dt_prev_next_month' testcase

Increase test coverage of 'acs-datetime' by adding tests for 'dt_sysdate', 'dt_systime', 'dt_prev_month' and 'dt_next_month'

Refactor tests in 'acs-datetime' package

Whitespace cleanup

Deprecate a bunch of date widget procs: they use hardcoded markup, lack localization, don't leverage existing tcl capabilities and most importantly are not in use anywhere in current codebase

Replace deprecated occurrences