• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added write permission for public folder as a parameter


Pass return_url to reject email form

only display the link to add new relationship of a type if we are dealing with employee relationships

Fixing file upload, storing the full filename as the title, getting rid of the problem of the regsub killing some characters

new IMSLD GUI work-in-progress

    • -0
    • +14
    • -1
    • +1
make the index follow the new imsld GUI

    • -7
    • +1
    • -15
    • +22
    • -1
    • +1
css property cursor: hand is not standard moving to cursor: pointer

css property cursor: hand is not standard moving to cursor: pointer

fix typo in css

fix typo in css

fix typo at dotlrn-toolbar.css

fix typo at dotlrn-toolbar.css

fix missing bracket in mass merge

Added new package curriculum-tracker.

  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
Sort on 24hour time

Sort attendance tasks.

adding util_flush_regexp for person proc information that is cached to the contact::flush proc - since the name was being cached where it shouldn't be

Added last modified date to the display if we are sorting by last modified date

fix typo

fix typo

typo in required dotlrn version

New I18N

fixed status problem

Added missing party_id element

Added error to invoice-search

adding missing close bracket

    • -1
    • +2
adding limit to attributes available in extend columns based on the searches object_type

Center form field to mimic certificate.

fixed copying and moving of files; downloading of different file versions