• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Improve comments

remove unneeded statement

    • -2
    • +1
remove file for running current xowiki under OpenACS 5.1 (an attempt, which would fail for other reasons)

improve spelling

    • -2
    • +2
prefer spelling "SQL" over "sql" in sentences

improve spelling: prefer comma after "therefore" and friends

    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
improve spelling

improve documentation

improve spelling: prefer comma after "therefore" and friends

    • -1
    • +1
improve comments

    • -15
    • +26
add one more heuristic to deal with partial information returned from boomerang

provide a better name (site_node::delete_service_nodes) amd delete nodes of services packages as well

bugfix: unmounting a package could lead to a deletion of services used in other packages

A new API call "site_node::unmount_services" can be used to unmount all services in a first step.

unmount services before calling "site_node::delete -node_id $node_id -delete_subnodes -delete_package"

prevents collateral damage.

    • -2
    • +2
whitespace change

improving comments

update version number of CKeditor

whitespace changes

prefer all caps spelling for SQL

improve spelling

prefer all caps spelling for SQL

be more liberal for accepted network driver names

exptend message catalog

prefer all caps spelling for SQL

provide interface for setting query parameter

Deprecate country_widget proc

    • -2
    • +13
Deprecate exists_and_not_null proc as it does not comply with openacs naming convention and can be replaced with plain tcl idioms

Replace occurrences of exists_and_not_null with plain tcl idioms

Whitespace cleanup

Replace occurrences of exists_and_not_null with plain tcl idioms, as the goal is to deprecate this proc shortly

This required an upgrade script as some code is actually stored in the database

file upgrade-2.10.0d4-2.10.0d5.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.