• last updated 6 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- Bumped package version

- Fixed create scripts

- Fixed callback function

- Fixed field-addedit and field-delete

refactored from external entity to xinclude so that broken files don't kill overall make; added external authentication; brought i18n current; other smaller fixes

  1. … 144 more files in changeset.
Added comment, because both Jun and I were confused.

applied patch 261, to allow access to variables in -pass_properties. applied patch 249, renames level to __level so the multirow with level name element will not conflict

Corrected handling of time_p

I18N work.

*** empty log message ***

mounting acs-automated-testing as part of a normal OpenACS install

adding links to internationalization and acs-automated-testing on the admin index page

setting initial_install_p to t for acs-automated-testing to make it part of acs-core

fixing return_url bug

adding upgrade script for PG for version 0.3 that we forgot to add previously

adding acs-automated-testing package to the acs-core module

Granted commit rights on acs-templating to Jun, so he can work on list builder

Fixing PG 7.3 incompatibility problem -- pulled over from oacs-4-6 branch


Added timezone__convert_to_locale proc for PG

Adding description to message keys

Honor the parameter for package level locales

    • -0
    • +13
Added link to export messages

Clarified the comment

Added queries to deal with descriptions

Implemented accept-language content negotiation ; preserving timezones (used to use client-properties)

    • -18
    • +25
Fixing formatting ; caching default locale for language

Clarifying commments on lc_time_fmt ; implementing %Z for lc_time_fmt ; prevent variable interpolation for lc_get

Adding comments to try and make sense of the money formatting data

Fixing charsets for message catalog files ; import/export descriptions

Bumping up the version number; had inadvertedly been reset by the APM

Set start_time if it comes as a form parameter

Make hours links to cal-item-new