• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file subnav_bg.gif was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file subnav_corner.gif was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Adding Mario Aguado as a committer.

fixing part 2b of bug 1640, moving view-link, and getting rid of dashes in my-first-package because package-id is myfirstpackage

fix part 1 of bug 1640, add db name to psql commands

fixes bug 2087, see 2b of bug 1640.

migrating doc version to 4.4 which processes codes more cleanly, fixing code that results in obvious compile errors, moved cvstag lines to within authorblurb tags for context and also puts the tag at the first/top of a chunked file set instead of at the bottom page of the last one.., updated docbook-primer.xml grammar and tag usage

  1. … 231 more files in changeset.
Version bump to 2.2.0b3

    • -1
    • +1
Bumped to 2.2.0b3

    • -3
    • +3
  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
Removed Dario's changes

    • -0
    • +34
Test Cases for Permission Procedures.

    • -0
    • +126
Trailing "\" causes "info complete" to fail, because another line of input

is (naturally enough) expected. This causes our automated test that all

tcl files have correct syntax fails. Why did the script appear to run

correctly? Probably because the parsed .adp file is glommed onto the end

of the .tcl file before it is actually executed.

"provides" XML was wrong

Adding see clause for deprecated procs.

Removing deprecated flag for util_ReturnMetaRefresh

and adding documentation for that proc.

0 fails now for Test case documentation__check_deprecated_see (acs-tcl)

Removed ad_graphics_site_avail_p

solve bug with link to photo album in personal portal

solve problem to news with image

solve problem to new with image

    • -9
    • +17
remove debug comments

fix a bug when editing an assesssment question, seems question files are getting inadvertantly deleted on edit, which should not be the case

allow threads to be created from connection threads (/www/* files)

allow threads to be created from connection threads (/www/* files)

Added documentation to proc.

Added documentation to acs-sc procs.

Added documentation to aa procs.

Added documentation to procs.

Added documentation for twt procs: login, logout and log.

Removing these callbacks and their implementations: a_callback, b_callback, c_callback, a_callback -impl an_impl1, a_callback -impl an_impl2, a_callback -impl fail_impl and EvilCallback from the test procedure ad_proc_fire_callback, since we have a strange behavior when run many times this test.

Made the check for a message key in hashes (i.e. #package_key.message_key#)

more robust by only recognizing it if both parts, separated by a ".", exists.

This reduces the odds of random text between hashes being mistaken for a

key and throwing a "missing key" error.

Removing upgrade scripts not well ordered for acs-kernel and acs-content-repository.

Adding corresponding upgrade scripts with correct versions.

Now the test case files__check_upgrade_ordering (acs-tcl) does not fail.