cesarh in OpenACS

Changing the proc instance_new, now it takes the package-instance-name instead of instance_name, and fall back to current behavior if the package-instance-name is empty

Adding the following:

1. Added a new attribute called package-instance-name to use it as label in the context bar.

2. Added a new proc called apm::package_version::attributes::set_all_instances_names which changes all instances names for those packages that have the attribute package-instance-name and the instance name is equal to package-name.

3. Added a new proc called apm::package_version::attributes::get_instance_name which gets the package-instance-name for a given package-key.

bumping version numbers to 5.4.0d4, since was added the attribute package-instance-name to use it in the context bar.

Addind message key "notifications" to use it in the context bar.

bumping version numbers to 2.3.1, since was added the attribute package-instance-name to use it in the context bar.

bumping version numbers to 5.2.0d5, since was added the attribute package-instance-name to use it in the context bar.

bumping version numbers to 2.1.0b8, since was added the attribute package-instance-name to use it in the context bar.

bumping version numbers to 1.3d7, since was added the attribute package-instance-name to use it in the context bar.

    • -6
    • +7
bumping version numbers to 0.22d5, since was added the attribute package-instance-name to use it in the context bar.

bumping version numbers to 5.2.0d7, since was added the attribute package-instance-name to use it in the context bar.

Raising the version, since it was added the attribute package instance name to the context bar.

Adding a nuew message key called "file-storage" to use it in the context bar.

Implemented list-builders instead of members table.

    • -2
    • +2
Implemented list builder instead of table to display communities.

Including navbar without having installed dotlrn.

    • -4
    • +3
    • -1
    • +9
Modifying this file to include print option without having dotlrn installed..

Fixing problems with the include in view week and view list.

removing from element list the view calendar, since is unnecessary because the view is the same as month.

Test case for cookies.

    • -0
    • +54
Script for testing the procs inside of the file membership-rel-procs.tcl

Test Cases for Permission Procedures.

    • -0
    • +126
Removing these callbacks and their implementations: a_callback, b_callback, c_callback, a_callback -impl an_impl1, a_callback -impl an_impl2, a_callback -impl fail_impl and EvilCallback from the test procedure ad_proc_fire_callback, since we have a strange behavior when run many times this test.

Update el create

Adding query's for dates

Change the form by obtain de date

Changing row() for sysdate

Fixed grade (5,2) data type

Version for Oracle

Version for Oracle

    • -0
    • +141
evaluations-chunk-oracle.xql for BD Oracle