• last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Cleanup stale sse connections

Introduce a new delivery method for notifications based on Server Sent events

By subscribing to /notifications/sse/subscribe one will receive notifications as JSON messages. This can be used e.g. to update a UI in real time based on events on the system.

    • -0
    • +245
Retrieving the datasource should not depend on the fact that a driver is configured

    • -2
    • +2
    • -8
    • +6
bump upstream version number from 7.5.1 to 7.6.0

bump upstream version number from 11.4.8 to 12.0.2

avoid triggering exception, when provided host header field cannot be resolved.

avoid error, when page_contract is called without an ns_set and without an open connection

fixed typo

Compute the columns as weel when creating a multirow from a list

Test converting to and from a multirow and a list

The test reveals that when converting a list into a multirow, the columns will not be set correctly

title always exists now, ensure it is not empty instead

Introduce the toolbar parameter at the richtext superclass level, so

that formpages created with editors expecting this spec, like ckeditor4,

will not fail to load using other editors that do not expect it

db quote via the api

    • -1
    • +1
Do not omit line breaks when rendering text interactions as textareas, e.g. in exam protocols

Many thanks to Markus Moser

Removed calls to deprecated NaviServer functions in legacy packages

  1. … 32 more files in changeset.
Removed calls to deprecated NaviServer functions

Removed calls to deprecated NaviServer functions

    • -1
    • +1
replaced calls to "ns_httpget" in legacy packages

bump version number of upstream package to 7.5.1

bump version number to latest upstream release

Avoid calls to deprecated NaviServer functions

Initializing a formfield with an invalid spec fails as expected, however, it appears to leave behind the formfield object, which many automated tests will now consider a failure

Ensure the formfield object is destroyed when reading the spec fails

Make the search datasource callback more robust in case pages are broken or otherwise invalid (but complain about it)

Cast to correct datatypes, delete broken placeholder query

Better initialize the datasource for those object that won't return the full set of expected fields

    • -1
    • +4
Add missing return

Tolerate non-existing files, but throw a warning

removed deprecated "ns_set new" by "ns_set create"

moved stuff for AOLserver 2 emulation to deprecated procs, mark it explicitly as deprecated