straightened out grouping issue in display (ran into the old issue detailed here -; backing out maltes upgrade script change as it doesn't break anything and will create inconsistent data model - portlet should really be updated to fix the issue; tagging for rel v0.9.9
added a custom field that was defined in an upgrade script, seems we forgot to update the create script to include this custom field for new installs, added additiona fields that should be dropped by dotlrn-ecommerce-views-drop.sql
Added Validation Block field when creating a question. This allows validation of the answer entered by the user. This is especially useful in a registration assessment -- it allows the email entered to be checked if it already exists and prevent the assessment from continuing.The value of this field must be multiples of a TCL boolean expression and an error message separated by spaces.
give a better hint, when package_id cannot be determined for a revision id yet. we store the package_id in object_package_id of the content_folder, which is updated if necessary, when an item is viewed
upgrade to version 0.32. some improvement for site wide search; fetching content items only via revision_ids, associating package_ids to folder ids, unsuccessful attempts to update object_package_id via the automatically generated views.
fixing a typo (in depreciatged code), removing the text format box for richtext, when htmlarea_p is set (thiswill easily lead to a content type text/enhanced, where the real content generated from the rich text widget is in HTML; this can lead to errors in xowiki).