• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
fix for #2841. WCAG checkpoint 3.6: formal grammar in dotlrn-all and dotlrn-extras portlets

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Missing upgrade

Uncomment search::action callback committed in error.

    • -2
    • +2
make sure that the logger_project exists

Fix for deadlock condition (or so Gustav and I hope)

fix for #2841. WCAG checkpoint 3.6: formal grammar

added set_live_revision

allow programmer to specify whether a new item should be a live revsion or not

cosmetic (button) tweaks

Added deadlock protection (or so I hope)

No need for the variable to be ordered by name, and this gives us a gain of 52 vs 2 MS on our system

Changed content::folder::new to be a pure TCL proc relying on content::item::new instead of running into deadlocks (and being slower) when doing the plsql

Fixed callbacks

Wrong labelling of upgrade script

Added procedure to detect the contacts_package_id for a party. Furthermore changed the revision::new to use content-repository-procs instead of the home made plsql

missed the .xql file

Added content_type_p procedure to detect if a mime_type is of a content_type

More progress on bug #2930 (which wasn't really fixed by my previous


Adding modules: ajaxhelper and ajax-filestorage-ui

Cleaning up dependencies, name differences and other stuff

Preformance tunning

Unified project search

Performance tuning

Symlink support that actually works

Small tuning with not using ams_attributes.

google site map support

    • -2
    • +20
    • -3
    • +99
commit fixes on tabs for IE7

fix missing parenthesis, don't delete subtypes

make categories more robust for syndication

Moved to seperate attachment table, no need for data links. Added security callback for file delete