• last updated 4 hours ago
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fix invalid markup patch 336 Randy O'Meara

Simplified make-admin and make-member pages, now that we have a better group::add_member that knows to delete existing relations

Another partial fix for #1144: join on rel_id, too, so when a user has two rows in cc_users he only shows up twice, not four times (cartesian product of all the relations)

Fix for #1144: duplicate rows in cc_users. group::add_member will now delete any memberhip_rel or child thereof before inserting the new relation. It didn't before, and this could cause a user to have both a membership_rel and an admin_rel relation to the registered_users group.

ad_form doc fix patch 94 Benjamin Bytheway

patch 371 from Jade with better docs for exists_and_not_null

Accidentally dropped the link to the subsite

oracle user parameter should be called oracle_user not db_name

use clobs for to_addr, headers, body; fix load_qmail_mail_queue.holdinsert query, fix upgrade script, make constriant names conform to standards. Fixes bug 1231

file notification-email-procs-oracle.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-0.

Fixed Bug 1226

- Break security inheritance for the newly created calendar object to

explicitly take the create permission from regular users.

- Grant 'admin' to Admins and 'read' to Community Members on the

calendar package, not only on the particular calendar

adding a test case that exposes bug 1144

Fixed bug #1144 - users added to relsegs of registered_users showed up twice

in the registered_users and cc_users views.

in the case where all mandatory install params are missing (rare case), the missing params list was not set correctly

text datatype should be clob for oracle

updated permissions model

localize the role when presenting for customization bug 1213

fixing the crawl links feature and adding new parameter crawl_links_start_path

    • -0
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localize the portal name in portal::get_name

fixing previous crawler commit

    • -3
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localize the role and pull any customized role name via get_role_pretty_name name bug 1213

add modified_date column which I think is unused but shows up in several queries

comment about where the query issued when sending bulk mail comes from since its not obvious

trim the node_name

small typo on init.d script name: postgres rather than postgresql

check not only that dotlrn is installed but that you are in fact in a dotlrn community before setting dotlrn vars

Typo: Syncrhonization -> Synchronization

crawler fix: setting start_url_absolute to be the return value of do_request so that a trailing slash is added for directories. We need this to resolve relative URLs

    • -2
    • +6
Bumping to 5.0.0b2. I had accidentally bumped the version *down* to 5.0a3 from 5.0.0a5

create the columns array in template::util::list_of_ns_sets_to_multirow so template::multirow foreach will work, fix typo in template::multirow procdoc