• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Removed unneeded SQL files for rewritten portlet

optimization from Heidelberg: changing to use persons table instead of cc_users when restriction to registered/approved users is not needed and the persons table has all columns we need

Added icon to show if user has portrait or bio

Use acs_user::get_element instead of special query just to get the email for a user

Changed to user acs_users_all instead of registered_users view; the registered_users view is really slow for large users tables

bug 1068

bug 1714. Fixed reference to download_url

bug 1713 - uploading a new version of homework

bug 1712

bug 1712 - fixing name of postgresql sql directory

updating version numbers

    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
bug 1068- fixing a bunch of small errors

bug 1068- changed the download links to include the title so the file extension and name is preserved. Also made the little gif clickable like it is in file storage

ticket 1576 - problem where a group admin could not add a limited access user. The change is version 1.29 was a little too restrictive. The site-admin check should only be if can_browse_p =0. Also, I changed the defaults for can_browse_p and read_private_data_p to be the most restrictive (it is standard for security to make defaults the most restrictive and then require extra work to add the privileges

ticket 1697 - correction

ticket 1697

There was an extra - and SLOW - query in the fs-contents-portlet. The result

wasn't used because folder-chunk was included and did the actual output.

fix for bug #1633

updated versions to 2.0.2 and release date to 2004-03-10

changed version to 2.0.2 and release date to 2004-03-10

    • -3
    • +3
  1. … 23 more files in changeset.
added new keys

  1. … 80 more files in changeset.
Moving upgrade-feb-20-2004.sql to upgrade-2.0a3-2.0.2.sql so that APM will run it properly

Fixing bugs.

Ported Oracle script.

typo broke cloning News Aggregator bug 1390 patch 418 Caroline Meeks

Correcting the comments at top.


Fixed a few postgres queries.

Packagized the privacy code.

    • -1
    • +6
Fixing broken queries