• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
defaulting username of site-wide-admin to email and making sure the stubbed ad_conn can handle multiple arguments (create-admin-2 bombed before this fix)

Commenting in check to make sure lang::catalog::import_from_all_files_and_cache is only run once

Removing hard coded dotlrn accidentally left in query selecting packages to load catalog files for. removing debug printout

fixed noquote problem some more

fixed noquote problem

Forgot to flush keywords cache when deleting a bug-tracker category

Modified Barry Brooks's context_id update trigger speedup for PostgreSQL,

did some testing ...

Added Barry Brook's speed-up to the object context update trigger (untested as

yet, will get Janine to test at Sloan)

Noquote fixes and some minor html/navigational cleanup.

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Added date formatting, propably only necessary to work with certain pg setups which return dates in a format that tcl clock scan doesn't understand.

Fixing erroneous date format string from my commit before (added by me to Gabriel's patch).

Fix bug #596, patch by Gabriel Burca.

Moved drop of depending function to the end, changed acs_objects__drop_type to content_type__drop_type.

Fixes Bug #678: Error in news__status, pg date math problem, patch by Gabriel Burca

Remove content-type with hard-coded charset, as that interferes with internationalization which potentially wants to set the charset to UTF-8

    • -4
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Noquote the ds_link

    • -2
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Added focus

Make page not an initial-install package

Added comment about a @foo;noquote@ breaking <if> tags

Noquote the label, because bug-tracker uses this to put a link in the label

Tasks now are added with deadlines. Also fixed a bug in which tasks

were being added as sub-tasks instead of as children of the parent project.

Fixed date code for projects. Started adding in project status info into index.

Synced with the actual columns in the table

Updated to new design

Admin creation takes username, but no longer password question/answer

Fixed ad_user_new to use new acs.add_user with authority_id and username, but no password question/answer

Changed acs_user.new and acs.add_user to take authority_id and username. Removed password_question/answer to make room.

We cannot create the local authority in authentication-procs, because acs_magic_objects isn't defined until acs-create.sql, and is referenced by a trigger on acs-objects.

fixing broken installation: changing service contract implementation id columns in the auth_authorities table to reference acs_objects instead of acs_sc_impls table as the latter table is created later

external authentication support: adding the username and authority_id arguments to the ad_user_new proc