• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Made sure that you can actually delete xowiki comletely from your system. Albeit this only works with OpenACS 5.3, but I am not to introduce a dependency on this and the uninstalling of the package did not work before, so no harm done :)

Added the option to drop the items, revisions and objects along with the dropping of a content type

Made sure folders are dropped as well when dropping a package

Made sure we get an acs-kernel version which does not require acs_object_types.table_name to be unique

Bringing acs_object_types in an upgrade in sync with the same table when doing a installation

file template-procs.tcl was added on branch oacs-5-3 on 2007-08-01 21:39:24 +0000

provinding some backward compatibility for dotlrn 2.1.3 (oacs 5.1.5)

    • -1
    • +11
    • -0
    • +53
Files for ad_context_bar_multirow Test Case

file multirow-test.adp was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • -0
    • +0
file multirow-test.tcl was initially added on branch HEAD.

    • -0
    • +0
Test cases for the context_bar procs

adding missing keys.

fixing bug with dates (moving the quety to its respective postgres/oracle file)

fixing bug with dates (moving queries to their respective oracle/postgres files) and adding missing translation keys

fixing bug when referencing an activity from multiple role parts

    • -132
    • +144
    • -9
    • +10
additionals for PG 8.1.x

Delete " character

Change the character : by ;. This were inserted by error

Change a table name with the correspondence Oracle compatibility table

Delete one dml statement which is referencing a non-existan table

Delete one char insert by error

Change the name of one query because this isn't in tcl

Change the error of man_id column type and invalid character

Adapted dotlrn-lorsm-procs.tcl to Oracle

file dotlrn-lorsm-procs-oracle.xql was initially added on branch lors-oracle-port.

file dotlrn-lorsm-procs.xql was initially added on branch lors-oracle-port.

    • -0
    • +0
Add files to lorsm portlet on Oracle

file lorsm-admin-portlet-create.sql was initially added on branch lors-oracle-port.

file lorsm-portlet-create.sql was initially added on branch lors-oracle-port.

Add files to install lorsm portlet on Oracle

Fixed internal redirect errors if we have a return URL which contains the date both in the URL as well as in the variables