• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
some sanity checks for form-fields

Preliminary release, adapted from dotlrn package

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  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
Fixed lintian errors/warnings

try to maintain both, creation_user and modifying_user for cr_items, although stored procedures don't handle this

Added callback implementation of forums_forum for search. Added comment in the SC implementation saying it's deprecated and not used, will have to be removed in 5.5

Added return_url to the call to get_user_email

Retrieve members email using the email_image library to respect the privacy level chosen by the user

Added return_url in calls to email_image::get_user_email

Version_url variable was asigned twice with different values. Removed the first one to keep the code 'clean'

Check if portlet if shaded before any other check.

Would fail computing views if no file_id was provided. Since both version_id and file_id are optional (...), added a check to fill file_id is empty or doesn't exist.

Added lintian overrides

    • -0
    • +22
Reintroduced the form to switch between locales that has been removed by Malte in previous commits

Added description and runlevel information to parallelize the boot process

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    • +10
Added system name in the from of the verification email sent to the user

Added I18N support to debconf templates files

    • -11
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    • +179
Export return_url in the send-email form

Fixed some lintian errors

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    • +1
HTML Strict cleanup

Enclosed legend text in span so a style can be applied to it if needed. Applied implicit association for checkbox/radio by wrapping the formfield with the label tag. Don't generate empty div blocks (e.g. when label is empty)

Fixed for spellcheck. We want to match only the enabled languages.

added outional output escaping for form entries of type label, better handling for including _text in forms

Added tsearch tables checks

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CV:mprove the search, and get back only one element in cases where file names are similar Like my_page.html and my_page.htm ----------------------------------------------------------------------

*** empty log message ***

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    • +17
Mark invoice payments to be captured.

Added missing keys and translated to es_ES

HTML Strict cleanup

HTML Strict cleanup

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    • +4
HTML Strict cleanup