• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Templating stuff was moved to core recently (by me), in 5.6.0d1, so I've

removed it from this package and made it dependent on the proper version of

acs-templating. I've tagged the previous version of the package as being


- take care, when cache entry are already gone

- report entry size

- make ad_proc instantiate_page_from_id more intelligence (let package decide, what kind of init is needed)

    • -17
    • +30
more quoting..

starting higher level UI + adding user input quoting by default etc.

- make show-object more independent on openacs versions

- bump version to 0.136 and update dependency

    • -4
    • +4
- switch from -volatile to method destroy_on_cleanup for more version robustness

- allow to provide tailored title from search_render method

- provide an explicit invocation of method "initialize" in instantiate_page_from_id (used from service contracts)

    • -1
    • +2
- bump version number to 0.118

- provide destroy_on_cleanup for nx objects as well

- make show-object links able to navigate

- make test for overwritten tcl 8.5 command apply namespace independent

- add show-object method to show current object via api-browser

adding qf_input qf_insert_html, not tested

fix multirow variables

    • -5
    • +5
- remove unneeded colon

more revisions, untested

adding more code.. still incomplete

- create slots via ::xotcl::MetaSlot

- create slots via ::xotcl::MetaSlot

- renamed protype pages according to form naming conventions

- use usual parameter notation

- cleanup of redundant definitions

If the comment has a file attached, the comment content was being displayed

using the attachement's mime type. Well, the script tried to, typically

it would cause the script to bomb.

adding thick/thin template

minor css tweaks

centralize navbar css in bug-tracker.css

PG 9.0 support. Avoiding using acs_object_id_seq view for fetchting next value for the t_acs_object_id_seq sequence.

remove conflicts in html docs

  1. … 120 more files in changeset.