• last updated 23 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added template tags switch, case, and default to create a switch statement for use in openacs templates

Removed acs-workflow from acs-install.sql script

Removed non-sensical '-debug t' switches that have defeated the purpose of a parameter setting and changed an error message, fixes Bug #130 entered by Vinod.

- Added support for -section for ad_form.

- Added support for Lars' latest form builder additions to ad_form.

modified ad_form to set form vars from edit_request block

Misspelled "schema-browser"

updating the instructions for replacing texts with variables with message lookups, adding note about translating phrases rather than words

Adding a sort filter to the thread listing page so that you can easily discover threads with new postings (sort by first or last post)

    • -4
    • +1
removing the post new thread link on the page for viewing one thread (message) as people mistakenly start new threads with it (at least I do). Decreasing step size of indentation from 3 to 1 as was done on the 4-6 branch

    • -7
    • +1
the body format should have a default selection when posting to forums

    • -2
    • +3
message lookups in Tcl files should not be quoted with curly braces

    • -3
    • +3
adding the workflow package that is to superseede the old acs-workflow package

    • -0
    • +46
    • -0
    • +61
    • -0
    • +30
    • -0
    • +110
    • -0
    • +45
    • -0
    • +29
    • -0
    • +13
    • -0
    • +46
Allow escaping of colons in variable names in export_vars. This was needed in the form builder.

bug fix: the description for a package should be allowed to contain HTML. If you don't check the upgrade box you shouldn't have to change version URL or number

Removed acs-workflow from acs-core

gave lars commit on the CVSROOT control files

remove log message

missing perform in pl/pgsql call

check for mime_type instead of extension in maybe_create_new_mime_type

clean up junk

clean up docs

add etp docs

    • -0
    • +114
add documentation

bug fix: forgot to use adp var syntax during refectoring when using local multirow that I introduced to resue a query across to procedures. Would have been caught had I run the unit tests...

Make it not part of initial install.

Implemented Tilmann's suggestion of cancel_url/cancel_label switches to form create, so the form builder can handle the cancel button for you.

fixing misnamed bind variable name in insert statement for lang_message_audit

Added -entire_form switch to export_vars.

Default vars to the empty list.

Updated documentation.

fix copied surveys to be disabled by default

    • -1
    • +12
add missing query for postgresql