• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset MAIN:gustafn:20090527065321:4 does not match your current filter (clear filter).

file bug-tracker.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

file metrics.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

file info-file.tcl was initially added on branch openacs-org.

file info-file.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

file bug-tracker.tcl was initially added on branch openacs-org.

Avoiding usage of ad_convert_to_html, which is broken in oacs-5-4. Already fixed in head.

Fix headings level

Upgrading on openacs.org index page the version numbers and download link of latest openacs release

Update link for Ubuntu (now ubuntu install has its own page at the wiki)

Add "noquote" for postings subject

Added forums link in the navigation bar, and the bugtracker one in resources

Put wiki back in the navigation bar

Change colors to make it warmer

Make news and forums item a bit smaller

Improved design for openacs.org mainpage

Improved design of openacs.org mainpage

file download.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

file sponsors.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

file resources.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

    • -0
    • +0
Improved design for openacs.org homepage

Add alt text to image

Add xml icon to news box

Remove debugging noticed

Removed the "malte bug hacks"

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Noquote fix

Add noquote

Grouped output by forum as well as date to make the box more sensible

file forums.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

file footer.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

file features.tcl was initially added on branch openacs-org.