• last updated 5 hours ago
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Constraints: files
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Changeset oacs-5-3:gustafn:20060519112316:2 does not match your current filter (clear filter).

file check_falsch.png was added on branch oacs-5-3 on 2007-08-01 21:39:28 +0000

file xinha-mc-styles.css was added on branch oacs-5-3 on 2007-08-01 21:39:28 +0000

file check_richtig.png was added on branch oacs-5-3 on 2007-08-01 21:39:28 +0000

provide more detailed means to configure xinha (simplified toolbar, configured plugins, ...); allow per directory and per page configuration of xinha; provide mc example from documentation.

    • -0
    • +34
  1. … 3 more files in changeset.