• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- use bind variables instead of substituted strings to improve prepare cache hit ratio

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
* use new interface in order to be able to use dbi-*

* updated dependencies

* bumped revision number

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
- use lassign instead of "foreach ... break" idiom

  1. … 21 more files in changeset.
- reduce verbosity

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- remove hard-coded CSS clear

- minor html optimization

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- bump version number

- update dependency on xotcl-core

- use faster sql interface

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Restoring xowiki code to yesterdays state. Hopefully getting rid of today's unwanted commits.

  1. … 999 more files in changeset.
revert previous change

  1. … 987 more files in changeset.
- make sure to use "ns_conn query" just in connected mode

- allow workflow instances to be included in weblog listings

- make all files in xowiki usable for "::xo::library require ..."

- don't call "is_link_page" on Package objects

- reset values in reused formfields (necessary for e.g. weblogs)

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
- overhaul of link support

- replaced Package->resolve_request with link-aware item_info_from_url

- renamed item_ref_from_id => item_info_from_id

- renamed item_ref_from_url => item_info_from_url

- added more than 50 tests to regression tests

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- return names with paths in importer

- import forms with canonical names

- fix name clash in includelet "recent"

- provide warnings when forms cannot be located (e.g. after import)

- return canonical names in "instantiate_forms" after import_protoype_page

- finish "Page.is_folder_page"

- add flag "refetch" for Package.require_site_wide_pages

- add newer version of prototype page folder.form.page

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- dropped language prefix from folders (ease life with WebDav and nice path names)

- new method Page.is_folder_page

- fixed weblog sublinks when used in folders

- use ::xo::update_query in weblog-procs, update dependencies

- bumped version number to 0.131

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- major editing work: streamlined generation of urls and resolving of name relative to parent_ids

- new method Page.pretty_url and Page.detail_link

- removed ::xowiki::Includelet.detail_link

- provided updated prototype pages to use the new interface

- bumped version number to 0.130

  1. … 16 more files in changeset.
- generalized get_labels in form-fields

- render candidate_box in disabled state via "pretty_value"

- provide multiple_style comma|list for abstract_page

- provide parent-id handling for my-references and my-refers

- provide switch inherit_from_forms to form-usages

- add parent_id on several occations

- changed default spec for _assignee to hidden

- retrieve always page_template and assignee in get_form_entries

- new methods "group_require" and "group_assign" to turn form-pages into groups

- allow brace-substituion in xowiki::forms (might need protection in some cases)

- bumped version number to 0.129

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- refactored dnd for form-fields (moved from abstract_page into candidate_box_select)

- added parent_id on a few more occurences

- fixed cross-package links in get_page_from_item_ref

- moved some more style-properties to xowiki.css

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- provide parent_id for import (instead of folder_id)

- provide more clever return_button for import form

- render includelet rss-button with link from current folder

- render includelets book and toc from current_folder

- provide query parameter parent_ids for RSS

- provide parent_id for Weblog

- new method Page.get_folder

- added import-link to standard menu

- updated prototype page en:news

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- minor cleanup

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- use new features of item_refs (many thanks to Michael Aram for the suggestions)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- preliminary support for system-wide-pages

- new method Package.get_page_from_item_ref()

searches form an item ref (maybe including a file path)

in the instance and optionally along the search path,

the prototype pages or system wide pages.

- factored out Package.import_prototype_page()

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- provide proper query-names for db_* interface

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- try alternate lookup for form with language prefix "en"

- make naming for url-callable functions consistently with dashes

- provide some handling of expired logins happening during ajax calls

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- allowing multiple forms to be passed into form-usages

- renamed argument of ::xowiki::Weblog->instantiate_forms from "entries_of" to "forms"

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- factor out common code for toc-based navigation structures

- allow values for form fields of type form_page to come from multiple

forms and from multiple instances

- generalize ::xowiki::Package lookup to look as well names in

different packages (syntax //package-path/name

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- restructure page rendering code to make get_content and render more easy to use

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- fetch always the parent_id for weblog entries

- fetch always the parent_id for weblog entries