• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
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Constraints: dates
Remove session points display from user interface as the feature has

not been implemented yet. Fix but#2937

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Many UI improvements. Add permissions checks to asm-admin pages that

were missing them!

Change type from an integer that has no meaning to a string, that might

give you a clue what it means. TODO change type to refer to a "template"

assessment_id with all the default values set so an admin can manage


  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
Merge oacs-5-2 to HEAD

  1. … 226 more files in changeset.
add ability to comment on sessions using general-comments package

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
add parameter to show/not show points in view interface

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
optimized speed, show names of responsing users in anonymous assessment, set existing choice set when editing item, display more fields for item copy, csv date range, removed item name to field name, fixed assessment creator to be initial creator

  1. … 37 more files in changeset.
added support to edit result points; added support for assessment password; added message to mark at least one correct choice; bugfix in browsing catalog to next page

    • -0
    • +73
  1. … 78 more files in changeset.