• last updated 21 hours ago
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Don't print the illegal tag

Don't put HTML in the security error message. There's no need.

Fixed bug #466, plus another bug in ad_html_to_text

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Fix and test-case for bug #409: ad_html_to_text bombs. Turns out the bug was fixed a while ago, but there was another bug.

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Applied patch #135: ad_html_to_text -no_format param should ignore img

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ad_text_to_html: return empty if the text is empty. Make the first <p> tag not have margin-top

Fixed two bugs in ad_html_to_text:

- Tags that start with whitespace were still considered tags, and thus < p> would get treated equivalently to <p>.

- The regexp to find malformed tags wasn't bound to start and end of the inside of the tag, thus tags that had just a subset of welformedness would get interpreted.

Merged 4.6.4d1 (unreleased) to HEAD. This marks the end of the life of the oacs-4-6 branch.

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merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

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Stupid off-by-one: string_truncate -len 10 would give you a string of length 11

Added switch to string_truncate to allow you to specify your own ellipsis string

And also the close tags. Apologies for all those small commits.

Enhanced text: Removing line breaks after paragraph-breaking HTML tags as well.

Applied patch #122

Fixed enhanced text formatting of UL, LI, and other tags that do paragraph breaks themselves.

Upgrade to 4.6.2

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Added maxlen argument to ad_html_text_convert, and made it accept 'plain' also.

Removed log statements that had accidentally been left in.

Removed extra -- in call to ad_enhanced_text_to_plain_text.

Added new formats text/enhanced and text/fixed-width to ad_html_text_convert, and improved significantly on the automatic HTML rendering functionality (line breaks, links)

Merged bug fix from HEAD: util_close_html_tags would actually insert the end tag even though it had discarded the open tag, e.g. if you said <form>, you'd get </FORM>!

Fixed bug: util_close_html_tags would actually insert the end tag even though it had discarded the open tag, e.g. if you said <form>, you'd get </FORM>!

merge from oacs-4-6

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add a space after the image url in ad_html_to_text since otherwise the url often has the ] appended

fix ad_html_to_text pre CRLF to return mapping (was inserting literal \n)

patches some of the problems ad_text_to_html has with url's that

contain email addresses and plain text email with mailto: already

prepended. also inserts \\n so the html is readable in source. removes

residual sTaRt/eNd magic just in case.

It does not handle URLs with userinfo like http://user:passwd@foo.com/zim

bug 1842/patch 491

add @see comments for most deprecated functions

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- Added 'string_truncate' proc that can truncate a string, potentially close any cut-open HTML tags, and add ellipsis ...

Fixed problem introduced by Arjun's change of tab processing: Tab characters was part of Branimir's sTaRtUrL hack. Since the tabs got replaced with spaces, the sTaRtUrL/eNdUrL things didn't get replaced back. I've moved the tab expansion to the end of the proc, and that takes care of the problem. In addition, I've added quotes, single and double, to the list of characters that we strip from the end of a URL.

ad_text_to_html: two spaces to an nbsp, and tabs to 4 nbsp's.