• last updated 15 hours ago
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cleanup and renaming of import/export procs in lang::catalog namespace. Now there are really only two public procs to know about: lang::catalog::import and lang::catalog::export. Updating all invocations of the procs and test cases. Adding proc lang::message::unregister for deleting message keys - used in test case teardown.

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Because of problem exporting digits in arabic locale (AR_LB with ISO-8859-6) we have now changed to export all catalog files in utf-8 except when ISO-8859-1 can be used. Easiest would be to export all catalog files in utf-8, however, out of fear of hand editing of catalog files messing with the utf-8 encoding we don't. Adding encoding attribute to xml tag of message catalog files. Removing redundant file name prefixing of log statements.

making the util_replace_temporary_tags_with_lookups test case pass again. Wrapping case in rollback. Some cleanup in the tested proc

memoize the user timezone

making sure the proper proc is used to re-generate catalog files after automatic message key and lookup generation. Previously the description tags didn't get written to the message files

Fixed bug #941: lang::conn::timezone fails when not connected

adding syntax check of acs-lang.localization-grouping value and falling back on en_US locale in case of invalid syntax (to avoid broken pages)

fixing bug 915 by making sure any adp vars (including the noquote ones) are excluded when searching for translatable text. We still allow for embedded adp vars, only, we currently don't allow them to have the noquote instruction, we could add support for that later.

Make lang::user::site_wide_locale_not_cached{} return the system wide

locale for non-registered users, who does not have an ad_locale cookie.

Ensure that the ad_locale cookie never expires. Oops. ;)

Part of the fix for bug #806: Store non-registered visitors locale

setting in a cookie (and not in a client property).

removing print statement that seemed superfluous

Changed message key encoding to not confuse eval or subst

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
bugfix in xml catalog import proc, variable named charset should have been named mime_charset

Don't dress localization data up as links to translate when in translator mode

Translator mode now reintroduces the green circles

bug 787 and bug 174 - adding new robust translator mode that lists all translations on the current page at the bottom of the page

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Added more documentation for lang::message::lookup

bugfix: ad_conn isconnected doesn't mean ad_conn user_id is defined - it's not during bootstrapping. Wrapping in catch

adding the lang::catalog::export_to_files proc for exporting all messages in a list of locales. Making import_from_files always import the en_US locale messages first.

making lang::message::register refuse to register a message for a key that doesn't exist unless it's for the en_US locale. This is a precaution for the case where non en_US locales have somehow corrupted keys or keys that have been forgotten to be added to en_US

adding the columns creation_user and creation_date to lang_messages. At least on the translation server those are useful. Those columns replace the table lang_messages_created in the messages-audit.sql file (now removed)

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
making sure creation of messages is recorded in audit table

making sure import_from_files proc does not produce error messages trying to find correct charsets for a locale if there are no files for that locale anyway

Use untrusted_user_id for user's locale preferences

adding check in import_from_files so that we don't attempt to find catalog files if there isn't even a catalog directory

making sure danish locale is temporarily enabled for testcase to pass

To speed up package installation we made en_US be the only enabled locale by default. Changed catalog loading to only load files for enabled locales. Added a link in UI so that catalog files can be loaded for a certain enabled locale after installation

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
removing annoying "not upgrading" message when importing catalog files

Kill the timestamp on the catalog files, it only causes confusion by CVS

Removed this file, it was empty