• last updated 10 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
caching the lookup of user locale preference that is done on every request. Making the namespace explicit in each Tcl proc. Making the timezone related procs check whether ref-timezones is installed.

adding russian date-time localization data, provided by Vadim Makarov

adding polish date-time localization data, provided by Marcin Kuczkowski

Switched to "file copy" ...

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
adding missing date localizations of the fi_FI locale, provided by Jarkko Laine

backing out a change I made by mistake from the translation server. The lang::audit::created_message is a proc that is used only on that server and I have no plans yet to add it to cvs

setting upgrade status for a message key to deleted if the en_US message is deleted. This is unfortunately another example in the I18N code where we are assuming the presence of the en_US locale and that translation is done from this locale.

I18N: committing all the message catalog files from the dotLRN translation server. Kudos to all our translators for this contribution.

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making sure message keys with upgrade status of deleted are not exported to xml files, important fix: write xml files in utf-8 if the specified charset is not supported by tcl, correcting some log statements

make package_key a bind variable

making it possible to cache all catalog messages for a single package

bug fix: forgot to use adp var syntax during refectoring when using local multirow that I introduced to resue a query across to procedures. Would have been caught had I run the unit tests...

fixing misnamed bind variable name in insert statement for lang_message_audit

adding message catalog upgrade support to the acs-lang package. message keys and messages now have an upgrade status (added, deleted, updated). Being more rigorous about determining what is a catalog file and moving this logic to the acs-bootstrap-installer package (apm_is_catalog_file) as it is needed before the acs-lang library is loaded. Updated procedure documentation.

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date and time related localization data added for Finnish by Jarkko Laine. Thanks Jarkko.

I18N: loading the catalog files from the lookup proc now if this hasn't already been done. The reason is that there are message lookups that happen before the acs-lang library files are loaded. The alternative would be to put the loading in a file with a path like acs-boostrap-installer/00-...

if lc_time_fmt is given the empty string, don't crash, but rather, return the empty string

Default timezone to UTC, not New York (not that I don't like New York, I do, a lot, actually, but UTC is more neutral)

adding timezone support, adding auditing of edited messages, adding package scoped locale preference and package scoped locale

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cleaning up and improving the criteteria for selecting text in adp:s to consider for translation, making sure adp variable syntax is converted to percentage syntax for adp files when replacing temporary message tags (note: for tcl files this conversion must still be done manually)

unique is oracle specific bug 43/patch 9 Tilmann Singer

Date/time/number localization

  1. … 84 more files in changeset.
fixed the check in lang::message::register that embedded variables are not tampered with, translator mode links vastly improved by Lars - translations that can be edited have a hyperlinked green circle after them, texts with missing translations are highlighted in yellow and have a hyperlinked red star after them, now navigation (links) are not broken by translator mode being on

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adding a charset proc, a proc that checks that embeddded variables in messages are not messed up by translators, fixed regexp bug in the adp message catalog proc, removed caching mistake - we would reload the cache on every request (we were all wondering why our server was so slow...:-))

changing the underscore message lookup proc to take only two arguments, changing message registration log message to debug level

making sure that lang::message::lookup can be used without an HTTP connection, also making sure the cache is loaded by lookup if that hasn't already been done

making it possible to extract keys from sql files

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
optimization of proc extracting message keys and texts from tags in adp and tcl files - don't rewrite the catalog file if there were no tags

adding comment indicating where to check browser locale settings

making sure keys in catalog files are sorted, should make them easier to edit, and cvs diffs should work better