• last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Applied Lars' fix for bug #1141 from HEAD

Add extra check to catch when downloading an APM failed

Fixed package root path when building repository

Fixed bug #1141: restart server link

don't count the guest user on the registration history page (user_id 0)

    • -0
    • +1
don't count the guest user on the users admin page (user_id 0)

Use textarea for descriptions

Use new site_node::get_package_url which doesn't break if a package is mounted multiple times

updated all to 5.0.0a5, cleaned up require sections that listed multiple versions, and updated package owner info

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
add -- to all string_truncate calls

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Repository now lives on openacs.org

Fixed the code to build repository for all relevant versions, include description, summary, etc. in manifest

    • -49
    • +207
Removed old 'we're only showing authorized users...' message

Removed old code that had 'temporarily been taken out for ACS 4'. Thanks to the magic of revision control, we can always suck it out again later.

Removed note about the page being cached, because it isn't cached

Fixed creation_date bug

added automated test

    • -0
    • +19
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Fixed some context bar, show name of package being reloaded

authority page was broken for creating new authorities. Don't query for number of users if the authority doesn't exist

Show and allow editing of short_name for authorities, now that we're using it in parameters

- Made entry message longer

- Made link go to admin page for user, not normal community-member page

Added link to show the users in the authority

Add link to affected user in actions list, if exists

Let complex user search users in a specific authority

Improved UI

    • -0
    • +16
- Cleaned up page

- Added page to reset a password, since our new framework generally doesn't allow users to change passwords without knowing the current password

    • -0
    • +16
- Changed title to 'restarting', not 'restart', to imply that it's already happening.

- Changing delay to two seconds, to increase the chance that the page is served before the server shuts down

Added old monitor script to show active connections

- Filter by success_p

- Showing element-message inline if there's more than one message didn't work

Added parameters link