• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added some documentation to the user-extension-procs library.

Fixed problem discussed in this thread: http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=51478 about how site nodes get their context_id set. I took Barry's suggestion and use the parent site node object id by default, and then, if there's no object mounted here, fall back on the old package_id of the subsite through which you're currently mounting the new package.

Flush paginator cache when a message is posted or deleted. Added context bar to moderate/message-delete page

Allow deletion of messages.

Added an --install new package-- option when you create a new application. This just bounces you off to the /acs-admin/apm/packages-install page.

- Regenerated HTML docs

- changed SDM urls to point to Bug-Tracker

- Updated release docs

- Updated some AOLserver URLs

making the check-catalog.sh script verify that package version in catalog files is same as in info files, made script accept multiple package keys

    • -31
    • +51
the check-catalog.sh script spotted that I had mistakenly committed bogus package versions for the catalog files

removing a package version of bla that was used for testing

removing temporary (debugging) log statement

adding message catalog files to dotlrn.info file

    • -0
    • +3
removing temporary log statements

removing debug printout

adding package version information to message catalog files

  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
adding the Message Catalog APM file type to the TCL API

adding the Message Catalog APM file type to the datamodel

adding package_version information to catalog file

making sure message catalog files are loaded during package installation and package upgrade

adding message catalog upgrade support to the acs-lang package. message keys and messages now have an upgrade status (added, deleted, updated). Being more rigorous about determining what is a catalog file and moving this logic to the acs-bootstrap-installer package (apm_is_catalog_file) as it is needed before the acs-lang library is loaded. Updated procedure documentation.

adding package version information to message catalog files

updaing info file for release of version 4.7d4 of acs-lang package

removing outdated release notes

removing a set of patches that seem clearly outdated and would only confuse people

removing debug printout

message catalog upgrade support - adding upgrade_status columns to tables lang_messages and lang_message_keys

fix required/required_p error

fix required_p which was making all new questions required no matter how

it was set

Removed (currently unnecessary) "for update" clauses - with the transaction

gone, they only slow things down. If we want multiple sweepers to work we

will need to do something but the huge transaction causes problems on systems

with a lot of bulk mail activity (sloanspace, in particular)

Made the queries match the working PG queries