• last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fix to not send the gift certificate emails sent out by ecommerce scheduled procs

allowing patron to recieve email with participant info in body

allowing patron to recieve email with participant info in body

No need for notes on a person/organization as we already have the functionality for comments

added tree-import-proc

fixing so it wil give the participant info in the body but send to the patron

Added tree_id

Added override_enabled flag to send_member_email to force sending of disabled emails

Added support for sending the community welcome email to the purchaser instead/also

add sensible defaults to answer set titles

allow to define csv names for assessments of type survey

fixing edit of email template for cmmunity_id is 0

    • -6
    • +14
putting check for open spots inside the loop

add permission checks on bio-update, we want only site wide admin and the owner of the bio to edit the bio

    • -4
    • +33
Bugfix on page not found error when entering an invalid credit card number

fixing typo

showing prereqs even though the user didn't fill them out (patron information)

showing prereqs even though the user didn't fill them out (patron information)

taking out ns_write

flushing patron_info fix

modify news portlet to display request notification chunk and link to subscribe to rss syndication on the news portlet

add acs-notification support for news package

    • -2
    • +33
    • -2
    • +5
    • -1
    • +8
    • -1
    • +10
fixing mismatch of name in the section flus

from the wps portlet we allow members of a community or class to view their presentations and create their own presentations

rename message keys used in button titles

add missing keys

new lines between patron lines

Improved association of application to assessment

add parameter to control whether we allow members of a community to create a wimpy point presentation, this parameter just controls whether the create link is available from the wps portlet or not

Bugfix on ec_update_state_to_in_basket.update_transaction_state query