• last updated 22 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Show reasonable message if error occurs and no man_id exists in the user's session properties

Fix so tracking is not reset if a user resumes an unfinished course

Add tracking to delivery-progree-bar

Add elapsed time tracking. Add callbacks to notify interested packages when someone finishes a course

Allow using number of seconds to calulate elapsed time in human readble format

    • -15
    • +22
Fix URLs to point to admin files now under www/admin

Update url handling for embedded assessments

    • -8
    • +15
Add support for return_url

    • -0
    • +4
Hack in checks for support of xinha depending on the user-agent versions,

there was a problem when the user-agent was chrome.

Add get indentifier procedure

Reindent code. Fix multirow name to make sense. Add rename course feature

    • -65
    • +50
Fix query. Null notif_date is supported. By adding this we can allow a notif date in the future and schedule notifications for a certain time, ie: reminders.

Only send notifs to approved users

support for parameter pages

    • -4
    • +6
    • -10
    • +115
    • -59
    • +4
Set widh to 100% for richtext widget

Remove package versions from catalog files

Use doc(title) property

Strip outlook junk from replies

Yet more emma css fixes

Add support for section and course admins that are not pacakge admins

  1. … 123 more files in changeset.
Use course_id to key course links

Fix bulk reject. Use acs_rel api instead of dotlrn api

Support no registration classes. Support section administrators

Setu application groups

Hide instructors filter on calendar page and don't let search robots search the calendar indefinitely into the past.

Add options for editing recurring events

    • -13
    • +30
Attach attachment icon

Add an attachment icon

    • binary
Make number of days filter form inline

Allow passed in return_url