• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file upgrade-5.3.2d1-5.3.2d2.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-3.

Allow a new parameter type "text" to show a textarea on the parmeter form for parmaeter values that don't fit well within a textbox.

Use meta-refrsh or javascript to redirect when switching frm HTTPS to

HTTP to avoid security warining in IE

Problem with name with especial character. Command cd isn't executed and zip is executed in aolserver directory.

First shot of HTML cleanup

    • -15
    • +10
Added content-type

Added missing @ for meta.http_equiv

Edited to avoid empty UL when main and sub navigations are empty (thanks to Lee who provides the code)

Added missing implementation for search::url and fixed datasource(title) ($ was missing)

Removed manual url encoding for return_url. Was encoded twice.

reorder the steps

    • -3
    • +4
more cleanup, fixing cleanup for aolserver 4.0.*

Added multirow to pass CSS and script to the default-master in the new way but preserving the old way (header_stuff) for dotLRN/Zen compatibility

    • -0
    • +2
    • -1
    • +45
    • -0
    • +2
    • -1
    • +45
    • -1
    • +6
    • -5
    • +75
provide default value for optional flag

    • -1
    • +1
Added link multirow to pass CSS to the default-master in the new way but preserving the old way (header_stuff) for Zen compatibility

    • -1
    • +13
    • -0
    • +1
    • -1
    • +12
some more cleanup

Adding catgalog files for locale: es_GT

Adding catalog files for locales: es_ES, es_GT

fixing two typos

improved cleanup at end of request

store and display reading info

    • -2
    • +3
    • -1
    • +8
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
We download a ZIP file so the extension is fixed

added button class where missing

This old version of the view update is superseeded by upgrade-5.3.0d1, apart from the fact that on none of my sites moving from pre 5.2 it has been working on an upgrade (usually fails due to image content type)

further use of sql abstraction layer

further use of sql mapping layer

Forgot Oracle in last commit

removed link to dead language package. We are doing multiple languages with the translation methods of OpenACS

less tracing

improved handling of instance attributes

    • -54
    • +48