• last updated 14 hours ago
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bugfix: fixing bug #2591: URL Component Starting with "-" crashes rp_filter

Non-inf cookies weren't being set correctly on IE, we believe because of the combination of HTTP/1.0 and max-age. According to RFC 2109, max-age should be used for HTTP/1.1 while Expires is appropriate for HTTP/1.0. We've simply added Expires to every cookie, and set it equal to the current time plus max-age.

fix expanding hex entities resolves bug 2454

Added function (cached) to return table_name of an object

Don't call site_nodes_sync from apm_package_rename. site_nodes_sync rebuilds the entire site_nodes cache, which takes large sites, such as .LRN sites with tens of thousands of site nodes, completely offline for several minutes. Instead, update the cache for the specific node(s) at which the package is mounted.

add \r to Host header in util_httpopen since http says headers hsould be \r\n

Fix to httpopen, from Nis Jorgensen. See:


removed some obsolete comments and added a link

Importing updated Simulation 1.0.1 and fixed ad_returnredirect to accept html switch (for not quoting the message relayed).

  1. … 80 more files in changeset.
fixing bugs in procs to redirect to insecure url

updated translations from translate.openacs.org

  1. … 999 more files in changeset.
moved out the url part from acs_community_member_url into the new proc acs_community_member_page which is now used instead in acs_community_member_url

moved out the url part from acs_community_member_url into the new proc acs_community_member_page which is now used instead in acs_community_member_url

Add warning in api-doc that states that

ad_return_if_another_copy_is_running needs to be rewritten. See:


Improve robustness of rollout email support for 'filter' option.

performance improvements, using now acs_users_all

When local changes to the site map are made there's no need to update the

entire friggin' cache, which is an expensive operation on .LRN installations

with large numbers of classes and clubs, each of which mount a bunch of


bug #1997: fixed DS user-switching (U-S), first checking party_id instead of ad_conn, since calling ad_conn with (U-S) enabled enters into an infinite loop that makes aolserver die, with (U-S) enabled, permission_p will always get an party_id and in this way avoiding calls to ad_conn

Finally worked out a regexp that seems to work. Tested on both

configurations with standard and nonstandard ports. Fixes problems

with ssl redirects on login, and with openssl on non-standard ports.

Better regexp to deal with non-standard ports.

enhancemens on permission::permission_p_not_cached, working fast for 16K on PG7.4.1

    • -7
    • +0
the mime procedures are included, therefore there is no need for *package require mime* anymore

Fix for bug 1975: https not working on nonstandard ports.

remove the calls to source the mime.tcl etal files as we renamed them to -procs.tcl and they

get sourced on server startup. Remove clipping the last line of the mime encoded file since

it seems spurious afaict. send only a quoted-printable version of the html message not

an additional base64 encoded one.

only ns_returnfile files. resolves bug 1957

fix from Sloan: allow admin to restrict to registered users on a per-subsite basis

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Fixed a scalability problem in site_node::update_cache

fix from Sloan - 100 iterations was not enough in some cases

update from Sloan

Fixed bug when bumping to login page from within permission_p, but permission_p was called form within ad_get_login_url, which is the proc that determines which login page to use