MongoDB upgrade - Upgraded MongoDB and drivers to mongodb-c-driver 1.5.1, libbson 1.5.1 and MongoDB v3.4.0 - The upstream mongodb-c-driver…
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MongoDB upgrade - Upgraded MongoDB and drivers to mongodb-c-driver 1.5.1, libbson 1.5.1 and MongoDB v3.4.0- The upstream mongodb-c-driver has deprecated the old OP_QUERY syntax with $-modifiers and old names like $orderby and $query, which will be removed from the driver. The new interface is more in the mongodb style, many former parameters (e.g. -limit, -skip, -project, -sort) went to the new "-opts" argument. mongo::collection::query /collection/ /filter/ ?-opts /opts/? mongo::cursor::find /collection/ /filter/ ?-opts /opts/? See the begin of nsf-mongo.test file for examples for queries with the old and new interface. The high level interface for nx::Object is unchanged.- Support for new binary type "decimal128"
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