
Clone Tools
  • last updated 13 hours ago
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Fix [skip travis]

Fix typo in Appveyor descriptor [skip-travis]

Update build descriptors to incorporate recent Tcl releases.

Add script to automatically configure auto_path if needed. Refactor shell script generation routines into build.tcl

improve spelling

    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +1
reduce debugging output

* Makefile.in: Avoid pathnames as targets and target dependencies, as they may break make in presence of colons or whitespaces in pathnames as set by autoconf (e.g., --prefix=/data/bin-2019-10-04:19:39:35 or --exec-prefix=/tmp/data/bin-2019-10-04:19:39:35). Thanks to Héctor Romojaro for reporting.

* nsf.c, testx.xotcl: Substitute tab-based indentation (1x) for space-based one (8x) for 'required argument' error msg.

Fix potential crash, whe nsf::parseargs is called with a non-empty argspec and empty argv

Extended regression test to cover such cases.

add missing EXTERN declarations

typographic changes, most prominently, more consistent comma settings


remove "default" from fully initialized switches. initialize variable to slience compiler warnings

improve spelling

    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
use newer m4 file

    • -273
    • +436
use newer .m4 file

remove redundant test

fix indentation

* nsf.c (NSDeleteChildren): Remove redundant check on NSDeleteChild, leading to endless loop.

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

* appveyor.yml: Fix MinGW, ultimate attempt, long story [skip travis]

avoid dangerous and potentially recursive macro definition "pure"

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, Nth attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, Nth attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, Nth attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, th attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, th attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, 5th attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, 4th attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, 3rd attempt [skip travis]