
Clone Tools
  • last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
use newer m4 file

    • -273
    • +436
use newer .m4 file

remove redundant test

fix indentation

* nsf.c (NSDeleteChildren): Remove redundant check on NSDeleteChild, leading to endless loop.

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

* appveyor.yml: Fix MinGW, ultimate attempt, long story [skip travis]

avoid dangerous and potentially recursive macro definition "pure"

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, Nth attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, Nth attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, Nth attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, th attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, th attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, 5th attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, 4th attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, 3rd attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE, 2nd attempt [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix MAKE [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Fix paths [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Sign, needs more debugging [skip travis]

* appveyor.yml: Trying to fix MinGW builds [skip travis]

fix compilation issues with recent version of the Tcl core-8.branch (aka newest Tcl 8.7 branch)

improve spelling

    • -1
    • +1
improve spelling

improve spelling

    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
don't preallocate elements in Tcl_NewListObj with 2nd arg NULL (deprecated) nsf::__db_get_obj: make sure, the returned dict is valid

trying to understand AppVeyor behavior

still trying to understand AppVeyor behavior

take care on reference count on error message

debugging beahvior under AppVeyor