• last updated 21 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Dont lose return url when rerunning a testcase.

- fix behavior, when no default is provided

- fix broken link

-provide/use return_url for back button to testcase list (preserve all settings like chosen category, etc)

-don't treat no data as failed

-prettify table

Colorize pass/fail in test log as well...

Removed inline event handlers to comply with CSP

Removed commented markup

Removed inline js handlers to comply with CSP

Removed obsolete documentation about api not existing anymore

Update docs

Update docs to encourage CSP best practice

Update docs to encourage CSP best practice

Remove reference to inactive email address

  1. … 59 more files in changeset.
Removed link to obsolete documentation, removed mailto link to inactive mail

Fallback to datatype mapping based on acs_datatypes when no direct mapping is available

Replace inline js event when sending the message to comply with CSP

Comment link to inactive email

Acknowledge the original maintainer, but remove link to nonexistant domain

Update documentation to encourage CSP best practice Commented obsolete email contact

Update documentation to encourage CSP best practice

Commented obsolete email contact

Update documentation to encourage CSP best practice

Commented obsolete email contact

Update documentation so best practice is suggested

Commented out obsolete and broken proc

    • -183
    • +187
Fix event name in handler

    • -1
    • +1
- perform nonce-computation independent of user_id computation

- put resetting of untrusted user_id to the right place

- provide initial value for untrusted user_id

- setting nonce always (also for non-authenticated requests)

Fix event name

Removed inline js handlers to comply with CSP

Removed deprecated html attributes bgcolor and align

Fixed markup