• last updated 15 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Remove possible lefrover trigger and function from the old good days.

New instances don't even have this, but old born instances that get

updated could still have it. It is not necessary anymore and breaks

current cast rules in postgres.

file upgrade-2.9.0-2.9.1d1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.

Fix extra "at" chars

Handlers were already in the adp

Introduce nonce attribute in script tags to comply with csp

Set required hkey variable

    • -1
    • +2
- add repeat fields dynamically via js if needed.

This can improves load times for long complex nested repeat structure significantly

    • -9
    • +7
- fix non-existing link

- clean dirty editor buffer

    • -2
    • +2
- reduce number of update statements to keep #dead tuples low

    • -30
    • +44
- make admin/list more robust

    • -1
    • +7
- standardize entries in de_DE: rule of thumb: when en_US entry does not end with colon, then the german entry should not do so either.

This way, we avoid .adp pages with double colons.

- added missing query email_image::new_item.lob_size

- replaced local query by API call "content::item::set_live_revision -revision_id $revision_id"

Allow to identify and set handlers also on form fields by form id and field name (confirm and generic ones).

This could be desirable in pages with multiple ad_forms having fields with the same name (and thus no unique id), or other hand made forms not having id field at all.

- fix cr_revision_latest_tr once more to reduce the number of dead tuples generated for xo* classes

- bump version number to 5.9.1d25

file upgrade-5.9.1d24-5.9.1d25.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.

- deactivate IPAD HACK since it leads to a type error

- provide data-repeat attribute to the repeat container

- make status informatin about the container or the element being prototype explicit for generating controls or not

    • -9
    • +23
Trust the users's mime_type when acceptable, or content names that are not filenames won't have a mime_type

Dont lose return url when rerunning a testcase.

- fix behavior, when no default is provided

- fix broken link

-provide/use return_url for back button to testcase list (preserve all settings like chosen category, etc)

-don't treat no data as failed

-prettify table

Colorize pass/fail in test log as well...

Removed inline event handlers to comply with CSP

Removed commented markup

Removed inline js handlers to comply with CSP

Removed obsolete documentation about api not existing anymore

Update docs

Update docs to encourage CSP best practice