• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Do not force all validation errors to the end of a form.

Caveat: we might miss some validation errors in cases,

where render_item is not used.... but such cases rarely

exist. Provide an log message to identify such cases

that would require further changes. The advantage of

having potentially the message at the right place

is more important for the time being since this is

a usability issue for large forms.

prefer variable over method invocation

update version to 1.737.0 (the setup is now slightly different, but described in the site-wide-admin page

improved Bootstrap 5 compatibility

improve wording

Harden page contract; Prefer redirect url created via "export_vars" over handcrafted one

fix typo

added missing name of positional argument

proc was renamed in a previous commit

add validation for message_id

    • -2
    • +10
add minimal permission check

    • -0
    • +1
added "xo::library doc" for improved uniformity

    • -4
    • +7
added "xo::library doc" where possible for improved uniformity

added security::csp::add_static_resource_header for various backward compatibility versions for file delivery

whitespace changes

perform adp-tag subsitution also in xowiki footer

change order of statements to make mixin-class on ordered composite earlier available

added "xo::library doc" header

    • -0
    • +6
remove "verify" from page contrace, since variables are NOT signed

hardened page contract

Make 'template::adp_compile_chunk' public, as it is used by the new 'xowiki::adp_parse_tags'

in case an icon name is mapped to the empty string in some iconset, use the title text instead of an icon

fix misspelled name

remove circular dependency (acs-subsite 5.10.1d2 needs acs-templating 5.10.1d6, acs-templating 5.10.1d6 needs acs-subsite 5.10.1d2)

removed unused query (many thanks to Franz Penz for noting)

provide better error messages in case dom parsing fails during test

extend registered names for adp:icons

reduce hard-coded icons

    • -6
    • +12
apply parse_adp_tags on full rendered text in www-view

Improved Bootrap5 support

- transformed PageInstance->adp_parse_tags into an adp_proc

xowiki::PageInstance->adp_parse_tags to ease usage outside methods.

- made personal-notification proc agonsitic of Boostrap 3

- renamed attribute "-glyphicon" to "-adpicon" in


and use adp:icon instead

- added regression test

- bumped version number to 5.10.1d26

    • -2
    • +2
    • -34
    • +3
fix nesting and indentation