• last updated 8 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Test external command line dependencies

Prefer binary from parameter as everywhere else

Test external command line dependencies

Test optional external command dependencies

Add further dependency to test

Test that external command line dependencies are executable

Added optional "-name" to xowiki::update_item_index

This attribute was missing from the changeble attributes

of the xowiki_form_instance_item_index

    • -2
    • +3
improved parameter checking

    • -2
    • +2
    • -1
    • +1
Undo part of the recent cache-deactivation for attribute definitions

When all calls for "db_attribute_defined" are performed without

caching, this results in a huge amount of additional SQL queries,

since these tests are performed during blueprint definition as well

during every blueprint reload of every db attribute. On a small site

with just 6 connection threads (2 monitor, 2 default, 2 slow), this

results during startup with 969 additional SQL queries, a reload of

xowiki causes an additional 1063 of such queries. When a site defines

much more connection threads ((the LEARN site has e.g. 85 connection

threads defined), these DB attribute testing operations will result in

10K+ of mostly useless SQL queries. As a consequence of this, the

startup of the server will become slower, reloads will become slower

etc., which is bad especially for large sites.

The new implementation seems to fix the original problem case (running

xotcl_core_tutorial_4 multiple times). If there is still a problem

with installing xolp [2] this problem should be analyzed and fixed

probably there. If necessary, a proper bug report would be appreciated

to reduce guessing work.

[1] https://fisheye.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS/?cs=oacs-5-10%3Aantoniop%3A20230310183055

[2] https://fisheye.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS/?cs=oacs-5-10%3Aantoniop%3A20230317160241

Use the usual idiom for checking if the connection is active

... why in the first place was this change necessary? Who calls this

in which way this www-*method without a connection?

Address issue in downstream pipeline, which should not really happen in practice (yet it might) and update documentation

Port of downstream fix: check by the element's content, not the element itself

Streamline idiom

Test ad_change_password

Prefer cached api

    • -3
    • +5
Add notes about api

Prefer cached api

    • -2
    • +7
Prefer cached api

Whitespace cleanup

Prefer cached api, document behavior

Port of downstream fix, provide a default for param_action (same as portal::add_element_parameters)

Also test that no missing message keys are there when rendering the portlet

Also test that no missing message keys are there when rendering the portlet

Test also the shaded portlet

Test the shaded portlet

Fix coming from automated tests:

- port the downstream WU logics for the standard portlet (upstream query was broken)

- fix broken message key references

Port localization from downstream, as upstream catalog file appears to have been corrupted

Test the news-aggregator-portlet package

Test also the shahed portlet

Test also the shaded portlet