• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- change values in policy1 & 2 for create-new and create-or-use to check

create permissions on parent_ids

- inverse logic of Page.set_resolve_context(): instead of getting optionally

"logical_parent/package_id", return now these always and provide

"physical_parent/package_id" for inherited objects optionally

- provide an additional argument "-from_package_ids" to

FormPage.get_form_entries to return pages of this for for

one/all/several package_ids.

    • -16
    • +20
    • -17
    • +54
Bumped info files for 5.6.0b1

    • -4
    • +4
  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
Removing duplicated -private switch.

- formfiles time/image: don't require user to re-input files/images on edits

- add Stefan's patch for master/slave processing for views..

- set resolve context when resolving a page via url-path (similar to site-wite-pages)

- add -package_id as parameter to count_usages to allow cross package

usages of forms

- make sure to initialize the package of a form, when a form-page

fetches its form

    • -3
    • +4
    • -14
    • +35
- introduce logical_pacakge_id amd logical_parent_id for

inherited pages (currrently site-wide-pages)

    • -4
    • +7
    • -2
    • +23
- remove link when URL is abbreviated

- keep in url statistics the urls without query parameter

- do cleanup of stale statistics just when queried

Checking if parameter XinhaDefaultPlugins exists and has no empty value; otherwise upgrades from 5.1.x will brake.

Checking if parameter XinhaDefaultPlugins exists and has no empty value; otherwise upgrades from 5.1.x will brake.

- url in statistics contains already query parameter

- add folder_mode for includelets book and toc to show

childpages instead of pages of the root folder

- handle different output of "ns_server threads" in Naviserver and Aolserver

- maintain statistics about busy and running (connection) threads

- use new features of item_refs (many thanks to Michael Aram for the suggestions)

    • -10
    • +2
    • -1
    • +4
- fix typo

- use name "use_package_path" consistently

- extend get_page_from_item_ref to resolve cross-package references

- parameterize item_refs to allow to use package_page or

normalize_name conditionally (mostly to avoid chicken-egg

situations: if e.g. lookup of a parameter needs a parameter

required to resolve the path leading to the parameter page...)

- resolve parameter page via get_page_from_item_ref to allow parameter

pages from non-top-level instances

    • -19
    • +56
Fix a lot of typos

  1. … 81 more files in changeset.
Fix a lot of typos

  1. … 80 more files in changeset.
Remove file added by mistake (likely when extracting sql from tcl files)

Set primary key of custom pages on manifest ID *AND* type of page to allow both start and end pages. Provides upgrade script and bumps version number.

Set value for pretty names of custom pages

HTML cleanup

Add missing keys

Remove link to non-existent page.

HTML cleanup.

    • -20
    • +11
Fix form declarations

HTML cleanup

    • -7
    • +2
use proper .info file format

- fix typos

    • -3
    • +3