• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
begun a cleaner architecture for retrieving user info and such

    • -0
    • +26
    • -0
    • +16
added cloning support

    • -25
    • +125
    • -1
    • +5
fix typo in ::mount proc

    • -1
    • +1
notifications now works for instantaneous stuff

    • -0
    • +17
    • -0
    • +30
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
removing hardcoded links to /dotlrn, use dotlrn::get_url instead

    • -39
    • +28
    • -14
    • +20
    • -8
    • +5
    • -9
    • +11
    • -3
    • +5
    • -14
    • +14
  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
removed some unused files

    • -3
    • +2
making the black line around the user list a bit thinner

limited access users update

    • -29
    • +23
Finished changing "add_data" to "new_data"

Removed a greenpeace piece that shouldn't've been in there ...

Removed a greenpeace piece that snuck in ...

added bug-tracker

Fixed bug # #1536 using patch #252: ad_text_to_html doesn't make a paragraph break if your two consecutive line breaks are separated by white space, e.g., you accidentally put a space character on a line by itself.

Minor touchup of user experience.


*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

    • -0
    • +23
    • -0
    • +32
    • -0
    • +121
    • -0
    • +39
  1. … 118 more files in changeset.

Major overhaul:

- Replaced CyberCash with Payment Service Contract interface.

- Added Shipping Service Contract.

- Many(!) bug fixes.

- Added soft good (goods that don't require shipping) handling capacity.

- And more..

  1. … 261 more files in changeset.
removed content_item.update_last_modified, use acs_object.update_last_modified instead

changed from using content_item.update_last_modified to acs_object.update_last_modified

using connect by in oracle version of update_last_modified (plpgsql version is still using recursive version)

forgot to pass last_modified in recursive call

created acs_object.update_last_modified procedure that takes in an object_id

and an optional timestamp and sets the last_modified time of the object and

all of it's parents (not including object 0) to the last_modified time passed

in or sysdate if none was passed in.

fix startup "site_node unique constraint violation" error

major hack so that attributes of subcommunities aren't incorrectly defaulted (see diff for comment)

added <else> so it dosen't disapper when shaded

fix shading bug by adding <else><br></else> to bottom

Finxing fouled up checkin of this file AND ordering by name

initial check in of user-preferences

initial check in of notifications