• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- remove mixin, when downgrading a richtext formfield to a textarea

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- reduce verbosity

- handle "orderby" in table_properties

- make resolve_request configurable for a language context

- reduce rebosity in log file

- bump version number and update dependencies

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- avoid name clashes between attributes in @table for form-usages

- improve external_name

- show or-example in policy5

- minor cleanup

- adding another sample-policy

fix typo

- added condition "in_state" which can be used in the policies

- changed "anonymous" entries into "autonamed" entries.

Autonamed entries have the advantage, that it is possible

to refer to it via a persistent name, that survives import/export.

So it is as well possible to provide these pages in multiple

languages. However, they have the slight disadvantage, that

one has to be more careful on import, not overwriting accidentially

a locally autonamed page with the same name.

- handle ::xowiki::forms with an empty page template and an empty form

made includelet 'toc' cachable

don't double escape in form-usages (the input to form-usages is pretty_value of form-fields, which should be properly escaped)

- use new methods for links in form-usages

- support _publish_status in form-usages table

- allow get_children regardless of parent_id (when parent_id is empty)

- some cleanup

change naming convention for auto-names

- new method Package->get_parent_and_name to obtain parent id from path

- move ns_cache creation from -init procs to xowiki-procs to ensure

early creation time (like in xotcl-core)

- make ::xowiki::locales safe for execution in scheduled procedures

- providing doc(title), while keeping backward compatibility

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- rewrite of import/export

- handling of child-objects during import/export

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- handle unnamed entries in method external_name (of Package)

- provide means to remove form_link from form-usages

keep rendered state for form fields

- provide default "" for link anchors

- make all switch statements safe (as principle)

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
added match operator for correctness checks in form-fields

- new attribute for formfields: correct_when, can be used to specify an expression, when an answer is supposed to be correct

- definition of operators: eq ge gt le lt in btwn

- search for first readable package instance for the given user instead of arbitrary first

- handling of script_dir for xinha (in case, no /xowiki is mounted). The directory is needed for the OacsFS plugin

reduce verbosity

- avoid problems, if invalid cross xowiki instance links are used

- some more cleanup after changes