• last updated 4 hours ago
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Two more parameters by Timo

commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20050111 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050224

  1. … 321 more files in changeset.
select distinct for getting list of current assginees

Call to workflow::case::state_changed_handler must come before workflow::case::action::notify, otherwise assignees arent't created yet when notifications go out, which causes the notification to be sent to everyone

commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040724 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050111

  1. … 2275 more files in changeset.
adding the deputy Tcl procs that seems to have been lost (or maybe we forgot to add them)

made the callbacks_array entry in the action data structure an array list rather than a nested list. I think this is what was intendend and the change was needed to make the workflow::action::get_callbacks proc work

fixed mistyped array name for action callbacks - was actions_array but should be action_array

Apply patch 304, fixes bug 889: $action_pretty_past_tense not localized.

Made some changes to allow wf case objects to be plain objects (items worked without problems), see: http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=192465 ... I have not been able to test the upgrade script for Oracle.

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Adding the role_ids switch to the workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets proc. With that switch you can add assignee widgets for a restricted set of roles

merge all the changes on the oacs-5-1 and dotlrn-2-0 branches up to tag jcd-merge-20040420

  1. … 647 more files in changeset.
internationalizing the email notificaiton part of workflow. TODO: make sure the locale used for the email matches the preference of the receiving user

merging a few days of HEAD work back to the branch

  1. … 25 more files in changeset.
Use action(child_action_ids) instead of separate query to get child actions

removing obsolete deep flag related to deep cloning of workflows

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
fixing bug in action::execute - it wouldn't work when executed outside an HTTP request (from the timeout sweeper). Now timeout tasks will have a null user_id which is not ideal. We might want to pass on the trigger type (time) to the case log entry to more clearly indicate when an action timed out.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
bug fix: timeout_seconds was not extracted correctly in the postgresql action::get query.

Missing Owner and pretty_name in spec for register_notification_impl.

porting queries in the 2.0 version of workflow from postgres to oracle. Moving common query workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached.select_state_info into shared xql file.

porting the table-create sql script and the 1.2-2.0d1 upgrade script from PG to Oracle

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
throwing error from workflow::case::new if workflow doesn't have any state (it's not functional without states).

changing proc workflow::case::fsm::get to allow parent_enabled_action_id to be null. Removing two obsolete TODOs

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added -handlers to workflow::role::edit

Ensure that child workflows have an initial action, and that it changes state

Fixed cloning of recursive/parallel

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Fixed cloning

- Short_names are workflow-wide

- pretty-names are unique per parent_action_id

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Added a few helper procs

Added support for workflows with hierarchy, parallel actions, and dynamic number of parallel actions. Phew.

    • -177
    • +661
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.