• last updated 2 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
Add fieldset and legend properties for checkbox and radio widgets

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
don't check HTML security properties, when the user is a side wide admin or a package admin

Project Zen: removed element_index as a parameter. emma thought of an easier way to do this. undoing previous work.

Zen: localize orderby_html_title (list builder)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
adding element_index parameter to template::list::element::create and making the var available to list builder templates

Mark Wylie's changes: changed the default class that list tables are assigned from 'list' to 'list-table'

adding a default class for forms if one does not exist

Zen project: Add ID attribute to date and select widgets

project zen: modified template_tag formtemplate to output the closing fieldset tag

project zen: modified template::form::render to output the opening form fieldset tag and the optional opening and closing legend tag if it was passed into ad_form

merged daves changes from 5-3, eliminated dead code

Don't try to sum non-numerical data! Previously if you tried to "count" a non-numeric column, it still tried to accumulate the sum variable, which clearly will not work.

Fix richtext in Safari and browsers without javascript by supressing

display mode hidden elements except when really in display mode.

Normalizing string comparison operations into tcl 8.4 operations, enabling byte-code compilation for expressions and many conditionals

  1. … 353 more files in changeset.
First round of oacs-5-3 merge to HEAD commits

  1. … 96 more files in changeset.
Merged oacs-5-2 -> oacs-5-3 branches.

  1. … 66 more files in changeset.
Added support for includes in lists, originally I guess written by SG. Seems not to be harmful to other lists

Localizing the group name in the party_search

Add type attribute back to list filters, removed by a previous commit,

in error. Thanks to Malte for noticing.

Once and for all resolve the case where page_query_name is blank in

template::list::create. If its blank or if its not blank, the query

text is retrieved previously in the procedure so it does not matter

what query name we pass in.

Fix infinite redirect by clearing, the clear_one url var. Thanks to

vinod kurup for catching it!

Add install callback

Pass aprent_id to oacs-attach popup

All templating procs now have at least minimal documentation.

Added more minimalist documentation to make our automated test stuff

happy happy happy

knocked off a couple of more undocumented procedures.

Added minimal documentation for each proc in this file, so they'll pass our

doc spec smoke test.

Always reset client_property when clearing one filter (thanks Vinod)

Fix so order by (clicking on the column name) doesn't lose the the

applied filters for a certain list.

Many improvements, especially keying filter list client property on url

vars that are preserved in the list, using ns_sha1 to encode the client

property name so it fits within 50 character limit, fixed clear urls so

it saves the client property correctly.