• last updated 3 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
Fixed HTML


- fixed typo

- fix to retrieve htmlarea_id elements for tinymce initialization

Indent code

Fix bug 3150 applying patch 875 provided by miguelc

HTML Strict cleanup: removed trailing slash of input, img, link, meta tags

  1. … 20 more files in changeset.
HTML strict cleanup: removed trailing slash of HR and BR tags

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
Merged from 5.4.2

  1. … 282 more files in changeset.
Working on theme-zen compatible OpenACS CSS+HTML (not done)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Upgrade to Xinha 0.95

  1. … 181 more files in changeset.
activating rich-text support for Safari 3+ and Opera 9+ as supported by Xinha and TinyMCE

Merge order option for add_css from oacs-5-4

Added column to links multirow to be able to order stylesheets

Add box tag from xarg. If you use Zen css you get nice boxes that look

just like portlets!

Don't put out row in the HTML tag, it's not an attribute

Put "<div>" around hidden elements put out by the formtemplate tag when a custom

template layout rather than a style template is used and that custom template

layout doesn't put out the hidden elements manually.

Adding tinymce support.

  1. … 575 more files in changeset.
provide IDs for forms

provide IDs for forms

improve windows compatibility

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- provide a tcl verison of which

- remove wierd code from spellcheck-init, trying to find aspell or ispell programs

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
BSD "which" doesn't return -1 if no path for the given binary exists, therefore

"catch" didn't, therefore (sigh) "bin" was always set to aspell whether or not

it exists. Same result as the error I fixed long ago with this init file (see

comments) but for a different reason!

Remove support for RTE.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
updated the headscript multirow with an order column to allow devs to have some control over which javascript src gets loaded first

Remove code to retrieve body event handlers from prepare_multirows (was unsetting body_handlers and that code is in get_body_handlers now)

Make template::get_body_event_handlers proc to process the data added

with template::add_body_handler

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
1. template::head::get_footer_html didn't return the html

2. template::head::get_[header/footer]_html renamed to template::get_[header/footer]_html because

a. makes sense

b. the "add" procs were in the right namespace so now it's consistent

3. modifed blank-master to reflect #2

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Fixed prioritization of CSS. media=all is first.

Changed so unspecificed media goes to the end. For CSS the default is

all so media should always have a value.

Initial attempt at ordering CSS links in document head.

There is a question where media="all" should go.

Fixed typo ...

Silly simplification of a minor bit of this code.