• last updated 6 hours ago
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added titles for the action URLs to guide the user

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Let site-wide admin pages of external js pages modify, create and delete package parameters

The real change escaped with the previous commit.

improved spelling

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Ease management of external js packages to automate admin tasks

- provide explicit information about optional package paramters

- make these accessible from site-wide admin pages

- provide information, how the configuration of the version number happend

- improve design of site-wide admin pages with action items

- further streamlined handling of external js packages

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
reduced verbosity

In essence, this change renames "version_dir" to "version_segment" as

well as "versionDir" to "versionSegment" to reflect the fact, that

this variable does not denote a directory, but a part of the path

appended to path "resourceDir".

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
various small fixes for js libraries

- fixed page contract in case a non-default version is downloaded

- provide always an argument "-version" to resource_info procs

- obtain current version number always via resource_info.installedVersion

(it refers to CDN and locally installed version)

- pass always versionDir via resource_info to ::util::resources::download

- always obtain version_dir from resource_info

  1. … 25 more files in changeset.
Improved resource information for external libraries

- added vulnerability check for a particular version

- centralized URL generation for cdnjs URLS (will reduce maintenance work, when external URL changes)

- improve behavior when running without an Internet connection

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Include available version number and vulnerability check on swa pages

This eases the use of external JavaScript libraries by adding

the available version number and a link for vulnerability checks

on the site-wide admin pages (when this information is available)

- bumped version number to 5.10.1b6

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Mode use of new util::resources::version_dir

provide the version directory instead of the version on the admin page

Earlier versions had just the version, but not the version directory, which is

the precise information

CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Added link for version check when configured

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Generalized "version_dir" handling a little for download specs

The problem was that bootstrap5 uses a version directory, which

consists of the version plus an extra string element. The previous

version assumed that the version is always used as a directory name.

Whe track now the versionDir information in the resource_info dict and

use this, when available (otherwise the version number is used as before).

The resource_info dict contains now the following path components:

# Provide paths for loading either via /resources/ or CDN


# "resourceDir" is the absolute path in the filesystem

# "resourceUrl" is the URL path provided to the request processor

# "versionDir" is the version-specific element both in the

# URL and in the filesystem.


bumped acs-tcl to 5.10.1d19

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
util::resources::download: fix handling of empty/multiple downloadURLs

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Whitespace changes

Add missing parameter to include doc

- Add support for dowloading archives

- add reusable adp-includes for handling resource downloads

- bump version number to 5.10.0d18

    • -0
    • +46
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.