• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

- provide a warning, when subsite overrulese a specified application_group_id

- provide a warning, when multiple groups with the same name exists, but an arbitrary one is returned

- don't ignore specified subsite_id

- remove tests, which are always true

Fixed regression on upgrade script

- fix bug in group::get_id: don't ignore application_group_id in case it is provided

Fix code in cases, were object_type is not provided

- fix broken list nesting of html widget specs

- use links more consistent: add prefix /api-doc/ to urls for "see also" (like in other cases)

addressing #3318 (the actual bug was there for 10+ years)

Fix typo in html attributes definition (this enables proper styling and input checks).

Put formwidget directly into markup, otherwise the templating system complains about missing id for the submit widget.

compare with group_id, not subsite_id

- when ShowMembersListTo is set to "3", show list to members only, when this is not the whole subsite

- improve documentation

strengthen regepx for message keys (require a single dot)

Don't lookup creator name for messages coming from the system, as they won't be found

    • -2
    • +3
Don't assume import_file exists when checking for virus

Put missing -base argument (many thanks to Markus Moser)

    • -1
    • +1
Remove debugging comment

Use name and title for the copy, rather than name as title and file_upload_name as name. This will make so copied files will have also the same title as the original when this was renamed.

Try conserving file extension in the name when adding the suffix

Localize untranslated messages in the copy file-storage script (thanks to Markus Moser for the german translation)

- add missing curly bracket

Don't show time interval when choosing recurrence in case of all day events

Give a feedback message when permission have been modified

Improve translation of ad-return-complaint message. Add missing translation

- Don't add stuff tu the search queue when publish_status is expired

Fixed date format validate expression

    • -2
    • +2
- Remove duplicate processing of tags (was duplicated since 16 (!!) years, many thanks to Franz Penz for noticing)

- remove unneeded variable

replace "set" by "my" (sneaked in in last commit, many thanks to thomas renner for spotting it)

allow host header fields with trailing dots (as these are allowed from DNS)

Use a lazy but feasible check to decide if we have buttons for copy in the file storage

- add option "-path_encode" to methods "pretty_link" and "folder_path"

to allow to control, wether the result should be encoded or not

(default true)

- simplify logic around path encoding by using parameter -query of pretty_link

- Bump version number of xowiki and xowf to 5.9.1b4

    • -2
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
    • -10
    • +4
    • -8
    • +31
    • -3
    • +6
Avoid other double encoding when export_vars is applied on xowiki pretty_links

    • -2
    • +2
    • -3
    • +3
    • -2
    • +2
Don't double encode pretty links