• last updated 7 hours ago
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Remove setting default master in init file. This RESETS the parameter

on every server startup. This should be done in an apm-callback on

install, not force the user to use the dotlrn-master template. In fact

this whole file should be moved to apm callbacks, but I leave that for later.

fix problem with deleting a multiple choice item, it looks for mc_id but is no where to be found, querried it from the db and it works now

Modifying .info file and readying release

remove data_type widget from form and set default values

file group-parties-remove.tcl was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-11-30 15:31:02 +0000

Added -html flag to util_user_message so contact links display correctly

Oops, DownloadTargetWindowName is a string not a number.

Added a new parameter, DownloadTargetWindowName

Added parametrized ability to launch downloads in a separate window.

Purchasing for other users now parameterized

Added parametrized ability to launch downloads in a separate window.

Added a new parameter, DownloadTargetWindowName

Fixes error when you would update a task without a percent_complete

file upgrade-0.11-0.12.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file assessment-new.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file assessment-new.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file upgrade-0.12-0.13.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

simplify assessment UI by adding the type field on the as_assessment table, change default value of confirmation pages

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
Moving the call to db_bounce_pools from packages-install-4.tcl to apm_package_install_data_model.

Recompiling content_item didn't work. We needed to bounce the db pools, which we're doing now from apm.

Adding new proc db_bounce_pools and calling it after each package is installed or upgraded. Installations/upgrades are done in a separate process, making changes that could affect our sessions. This is particularly a problem with the content_item package on Oracle. To be on the safe side we refresh the db connections after each install/upgrade.

handle html on the assessment title

add and modify proc to handle html on the assessment title

Bugfix on duplicate lines

Button lists weren't wrapping cleanly. This inserts a little extra vertical space. The 250% value was a tradeoff between IE, where the separation is largeish, and Firefox, where the separation is smallish.

Button lists weren't wrapping cleanly. This inserts a little extra vertical space. The 250% value was a tradeoff between IE, where the separation is largeish, and Firefox, where the separation is smallish.

Adding a CSS class for file type icons. Currently it's only used by dotlrn but it's helpful, harmless and may come in handy for others at some point.

Adding a CSS class for file type icons. Currently it's only used by dotlrn but it's helpful, harmless and may come in handy for others at some point.

Increase version number to a higher number than the final version that is openacs 5.1 compatible. Rename upgrade script for openacs 5.2 compatibilty to match new version number.

file upgrade-1.5d1-1.5d2.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.