tils in OpenACS

Removing 'dotLRN' from the german translation that sneaked in here for some reason. I committed this to HEAD previously because I had done an update -A before errouneously - I hope this won't create any merge conflicts, apologies if it does.

Removing 'dotLRN' from the german translation that sneaked in here for some reason.

Fixing arbitrary HTML user input vulnerability in message body. Since the revert back from using the richtext widget a few weeks ago html went unchecked into the message body.

    • -28
    • +19
Sanity checks and usage output. Streams replacement data through now and doesn't require as much RAM as the size of the dump file. Improved regexps so that more (hopefully all) identifiers are found.

    • -55
    • +125
Fixing version url value in the .info file, it was at an older version that could cause a constraint violation in an apm table when upgrading.

Fixing bug '#19 Enable notifications on file upload'. Modified patch #534 to make it actually work on HEAD. Should work for Oracle as well but not tested on that db yet. This could do with some cleanup, and i18n-ization.

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Removing file-add-2 since it is unnecessary - file-add posts to itself now.

Removing file-add-2* since all is handled by file-add now.

The 'Show files that use this message' functionality used to also find keys like acs-kernel.foo_bar when searching for acs-kernel.foo, fixed. Not touching the acs-lang.localization-* lookups because I don't know how to test this.