• last updated 21 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Getting rid of another ad_table and using list templates instead. Moving sql queries to its respective xql file.

Removing function's name prefix from parameter's names.

Fixing defaults for parameters of bulk_mail__new plpgsql function.

file upgrade-2.8.1d2-2.8.1a1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-8.

- bump version numbers to [25].8.1a3

- update requirements for core components to newest version number in the branch

  1. … 60 more files in changeset.
- allow source view also for www/procs-file-view

- trim path for www/content-page-view and www/procs-file-view

- render not only objects with absolute names as xotcl-objects

- improve integration with xotcl code (especially for "content pages")

- follow protocol of documentation mode to enable better documentation in the API browser

- fix markup: <ul>/</ul> pair was inside a multiple, not wrapping it

- render www-files with syntax highligher (adding links)

- improve rendering of package-view calls (left column was to small)

- improve validity of HTML markup

- don't treat "@" as API command in syntax highlighter

- remove "api" prefix from functions in the "::apidoc::*" namespace

- mark externally called functions as public

- remove unneeded braces

    • -3
    • +3
- allow message keys in javascript

- mark more of the functions as deprecated which are not called

by the major 80 packages and for which popular alternatives exist

* pkg_home (-> acs_package_root_dir)

* ad_get_user_info (-> acs_user::get)

* exists_or_null (-> tcl builtins)

* lmap (danger, this function is a built-in of Tcl 8.6)

* template::util::server_root (-> $::acs::rootdir)

* template::util::display_value (-> ns_log)

* template::util::proper_noun (-> string totitle)

* template::util::string_range (-> string range)

* template::util::get_cookie (-> ad_get_cookie)

* template::util::set_cookie (-> ad_set_cookie)

* template::util::clear_cookie (-> ad_set_cookie)

- util_wrap_list: fix bug, when length of first word less then indent

(space was missing)

- add new adp file

file generic.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-8.

    • -0
    • +0
-fix bug when first word is shorter than indent spacing

- make input more robust to leading/trailing spaces

- mark installation callbacks as private

    • -1
    • +1
- name callbacks similar as in other xo* packages

- provide default to ease upgrade

- use charset utf-8 instead of iso-8859-1 in pagiantor-procs

- replace deprecated calls

- replace calls to the deprecated functions

- mark more of the functions in the ::item::* namespace as deprecated,

since much of the detailed info is delivered by ::content::item::get

* item::get_mime_info

* item::get_extended_url

* item::get_element

In case an empty query is given use the query name to fetch it.

- Only one backslash is needed when scaping double quotes on hstore values.

- include_get proc expects a list of variables therefore we dont want to expand vars.

    • -2
    • +2
- replace deprecated call to " item::copy" by "content::item::copy"

- improve source formatting

- get rid of calls to deprecated function "validate_ad_dateentrywidget"

- get rid of calls to deprecated functions "ad_header" and "ad_footer"

- fix date handling

    • -13
    • +27
- make dateentry widget more robust to time stamps

- replace deprecated call to "calendar_create" by "calendar::create"

- replace deprecated call to "calendar_assign_permissions" by "calendar::assign_permissions"

- provide hints to depreacated calls to non-deprecated counterparts

- replace deprecatd call to "item::get_title" by "content::item::get_title"