• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Bumped version numbers to 5.4.2b1

    • -5
    • +5
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Added referer arg to return to caller after enabling/disabling a faq

HTML Strict cleanup

HTML Strict cleanup

HTML Strict cleanup

Remove the multiple include since it would repeat the headers of the table generating by listtemplate, with the same headers IDs which is not valid html strict. Moreover it makes no point to repeat the header for each class

Fix layout of the forums list (br were missing in case of readinginfo is true)

Change ns_log mode to debug

Fix path of the upgrade script to source

Fix to store and retrieve the syllabus for whatever language used by the user

added temporary db flushing option (to fix later)

fixing key clash

allow image column (but ignore) so the same file can be used for image upload

small bug fixes

fix escaping of block markers; prevent double escaping in book-mode

    • -7
    • +7
Moved these from HEAD to oacs-5-4

file upgrade-5.4.1-5.4.2b1.sql was added on branch oacs-5-4 on 2008-04-30 00:05:08 +0000

Created 5.4 version of a 5.3 upgrade script that was put on HEAD rather than

the oacs-5-3 branch originally, meaning the upgrade was never applied. These

two scripts create an index but check to make sure it doesn't exist first, so

if someone has created the index (perhaps by running the old upgrade script)

manually, no harm will be done by applying the 5.4 upgrade.

Removed lock table kludge used to work around PG 7 deadlock

Not needed in PG 8x

Removed lock table that's was a workaround for PG 7x, no longer supported

HTML strict cleanup

    • -4
    • +7
Uncommenting the addition of a base tag to handle the UoL relative URLs. In case this affects any URL that shouldn't be, we'll change that one to an

absolute URL.

adding way to get to existing cart in default templates

added some more templating and caching

stop bumping admins to login page for timed-out logins

fixed some bugs and templated

allow use from other paths eg. within admin directories

made category bulk upload by name work, also some browsing bug fixes

previously was creating a cartesian self-join on headers and footers!