• last updated 4 hours ago
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Moving the callbacks code from calendar-procs to calendar-callback-procs

file calendar-callback-procs.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

fix new assessment link

Fixing problem with missing paranthesis

changed default group to "-2" for the time being as the rest breaks install and I need to discuss with matthew what he thinks about it

change layout and add default section when a survey assessment is created

Merged callback fix from HEAD.

add an active_p attribute to each course

fix a problem with assessment new and default package_id

link the session name to the calendar view page

Fixed callbacks to not call the arg parser when no switches are declared.

I18N of Names in sql files

Added I18n versions of relationships

Took out convert_to_i18n as this is HEAD function that cannot be backported due to openacs rules (as it would add a new dependency on acs-translations in acs-lang)

Added support for a pretty group name stored in the title for the creation of a group

Callbacks for .LRN

file dotlrn-callback-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

    • -0
    • +0
Made sure that we create a club when calling club::new unless specified otherwise

    • -7
    • +11
Fixed Bug where dotlrn does not adhere to the parameters set forth when creating a new community. Added get_package_id_from_package_key procedure

added properties

minor fix

added function to return the name of a project with it's project_id instead of just using the project_id as a name

Minor fixes to the URL

Added request_count procedure from 5.1

fix to show membership specific stuff when parameter is set

Remove setting default master in init file. This RESETS the parameter

on every server startup. This should be done in an apm-callback on

install, not force the user to use the dotlrn-master template. In fact

this whole file should be moved to apm callbacks, but I leave that for later.

fix problem with deleting a multiple choice item, it looks for mc_id but is no where to be found, querried it from the db and it works now

Modifying .info file and readying release

remove data_type widget from form and set default values

file group-parties-remove.tcl was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-11-30 15:31:02 +0000