• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
removing modules that are not qualified for .LRN

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Fixed bug #1718, copying a community failed in Postgres because of an

unported Oracle query.

Added optional package_id parameter to allow creation of portals in apm callbacks when ad_conn package_id returns the subsite package id.

folder-chunk wants folder_id and root_folder_id. resolves bug 1854

Adds a proc that returns category trees when given a list of object_ids.

This is used to greatly speed up logger.

(Note: I used untabify on tcl/category-tree-procs.tcl Sorry, won't do it

again -- did it before I realized what a pain it was!)

Add a proc for returning the name of an organization when given the ID.

Bump the version number to 0.3d

Fix bug#1749. Icon goes to download url. Download index.vuh accepts

optional file_id for consistent download urls

The 'Show files that use this message' functionality used to also find keys like acs-kernel.foo_bar when searching for acs-kernel.foo, fixed. Not touching the acs-lang.localization-* lookups because I don't know how to test this.

Added tils (formerly known as 'tilmanns' to avail list.

Change title instead of filename on rename.

file file-edit-2.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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Minor cosmetic change vs. 1858

Return content as string when string_p is true for file storage type.

Fixed bug#1823

fixing bug 1809

Recreate view template on upgrade

Further fixing of bug #1858

Move file-storage-dav-install-procs.tcl to file-storage-install-procs.tcl

file file-storage-install-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Check for html before processing content through ad_html_text_convert.

By default, switched to not allow all HTML tags. This is per a discussion on

IRC: http://openacs.org/irc/log/2004-05-26

Fixed Bug #1858: qualifying "rename" works in 8i bug chokes in 9i causing

the reported error on installation. Fixed by changing the name to "edit_name"

and implemented it for PG as well (to keep names similar)

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
Fix bug#1821. Change oracle query for create_item to use indbp variable to

create item with the correct storage type.

See: http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=186200

Changed comment for when using more than 1 database.

bug 1214, small layout issue

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Show fix for version all the time.

Fix for Bug #1834: set SystemTimezone default="UTC"

Fix for Bug #1839 Add the core.js to dotlrn-master.adp

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fix the homework portlet display, the oracle query used all_users which has been changed to acs_users_all so it won't conflict with the oracle dba view

bug 1846; double click s and duplicated of subjects

add commit for all for eduardop for bug bash